Prayer Time Dubai | Accurate Prayer and Azan Time in Dubai

Dubai Prayer Time

The Messenger of Allah, the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said “Between faith and unbelief is abandoning the prayer”. If you are searching “Prayer time in UAE Dubai” on internet, means you are a faithful Muslim and a good human being too. Below is the authentic Dubai Prayer Time calendar for you.

Six Major Beliefs in Islam:

Muslims have six major beliefs, as laid out in the Quran and Hadith:

1.      Belief in one GOD (ALLAH): Muslims belief in Oneness of GOD, In Islam six major beliefs, GOD is the creator of this universe, God know everything, and God has no offspring, no gender, no race and no body. 

2.      Belief in Angels of GOD: Muslims believe in angels, In Islam, angels are beings that were brought into existence by GOD, and they hold great significance. The angel Gabriel (Jibreel) brought the divine revelation to the prophets.

3.      Belief in Holy Books of GOD: There are four holy books of Allah (swt) Tawrat, Zuboor, Injeel and Quran. Muslims believe that ALLAH revealed all the 4 holy books to his messengers (prophets) that contain guidance including Quran that was revealed to Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), Tawrat (torah) given to Prophet Musa (Moses), Zabur (Psalms) was revealed to the Prophet Dawud (David) and Injeel (Bible) given to Prophet Eesa (Jesus).

4.      Belief in Prophets and Messengers of GOD: In Islam, GOD has sent guidance to humans through his Prophets and Messengers. Allah chooses different prophets and messengers to convey his message in the human world started from Hazrat Adam, the first prophet on earth with other known prophets including Noah, Ibrahim, Musa, Esa and at last Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him.     

5.      Belief in the Day of Judgment and life after death: Muslims must belief on the Day of Judgment when all humans will be judged for good and bad deeds. Those followed Islam guidance will be rewarded with paradise and those lived with sins will be punished in the hell.

6.      Belief in divine decree (Fate): Muslims must belief in divine decree which means that both good and evil is from GOD, all moments of happiness and sorrow is from ALLAH. God also know that what his creatures will do in this world and even after death. In Quran 3:5 he mentioned “Truly, Nothing is hidden from ALLAH, in earth or in the heavens”

Five Pillars of Islam:

There are five key practices that Muslims are obligated to fulfill throughout their life. These practices are referred to as pillars because they form the foundation of Muslim life. The five pillars of Islam are:

1.      Shahada (Testimony of Faith)

2.      Salah ( Prayer)

3.      Zakat or Zakah (Charity or Almsgiving)

4.      Sawm (Fasting in Ramadan)

5.      Hajj (Pilgrimage)

Let’s discuss the five pillars of Islam in details:

Shahada (Profession of Faith): is the declaration of faith in one GOD (Allah) and his messenger, Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). The belief that “There is nothing worthy of worship except God (Allah), and Muhammad (PBUH) is the Messenger of God” is central to Islam. To become a Muslim, one must recite this phrase in Arabic with translation.

Salah (Prayer): Muslims must pray five times a day facing Qibla (a direction of Ka’bah in Makkah or Mecca) at pre-dawn, noon, mid-afternoon, sunset and at night. Muslims perform prayer as an essential part of their daily lives to seek ALLAH’s guidance, forgiveness, and blessings.

Name of the five time prayers are Fajr, Dhuhr, Asr, Maghrib and Isha.

Zakat (Zakah): Zakat, charity or almsgiving is one of the five pillars of Islam which is mandatory for eligible Muslims. It is not just a fundamental pillar of Islam but also a revolutionary concept that can end poverty. Wealthy Muslims who owns Nisab (certain amount of wealth) must pay 2.5% zakat to the poor, needy and the oppressed.

Nisab of zakat is the minimum amount of the wealth a Muslim must possess before they become liable to pay it. This certain amount of wealth is also known as Nisab threshold. Gold and silver are the values used to calculate the wealth which is 87.50 grams for gold and 612.40 grams for silver.

Sawm (Fasting): Healthy Muslims both male and female fasts during the month of Ramadan which is the ninth month of Islamic calendar which entails abstaining from food, drinks and sexual relationship from dawn (suhoor) until dusk (iftar).

Fasting in Ramadan is exempted for those suffering from ill health, for those who are menstruating (period), pregnant women’s and for those who are travelling.

Hajj (Pilgrimage): Hajj Pilgrimage (a journey) is one of the five pillars of Islam, every Muslim whose wealth and health permit it must make at least once in their lifetime. however; the hajj is not intended as a burden upon Muslims. So, Muslims are only required to go to hajj as long as it is within their capacity.

Hajj is performed in Mecca or Makkah, Saudi Arabia during the last month of Islamic calendar named Dhul Hijjah. Apart from wealth, the elderly people, ill, unfit Muslims and those who are in debts are exempted from performing Hajj.

Holy Quran:

Quran is a holy book which contain truth and guidance not just for Muslims but for all human beings. Quran or koran also called the Holy Quran revealed directly by GOD (ALLAH) in Arabic to the last Prophet and Messenger on earth, the Prophet Muhammad ï·º (peace be upon him).

Muslims belief that Quran Pak or Quran Sharif lays down the law, commands or codes for their social and moral behavior. They believe that words of Quran are the transcript of God’s speech which is revealed to Prophet Muhammad (pbuh).

Quran contain 114 chapters which are memorized by millions of Muslims around the world. Muslims recite Quran or verse of the Quran in daily life and in five prayers each day.

The Hadith:

Hadith or hadeeth is the sayings, actions and teachings of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). As per Muslims, after Holy Quran, the Ahadith, narrated by the companions (also called Sahaba) of the Prophet Muhammad (SAW) is the primary source of Islamic teachings, and it covers a wide range of topics, including faith, religious obligations, morality, ethics, legal issues and social justice.

Some of the well-known authentic books of sahih-hadiths are listed below.


List of Authentic Hadith Books in Islam:

The six authentic books of ahadith (also known as Al Sihah al Sitta in Arabic) are:

1.      Sahih Bukhari

2.      Sahih Muslim

3.      Sunan Al Nasai

4.      Sunan Abu Dawood

5.      Sunan al Tirmidhi

6.      Sunan ibn Majah


Angels in Islam:

The 4 main angels in Islam who believed to hold highest significance in the entire universe are:

1.      Angel Gabriel (Jibreel)

2.      Angel Mikail (Michael)

3.      Angel Israfil (Israfeel)

4.      Angel Azrael (Izraeel)


25 Prophets and Messengers in the Quran:

According to Islam, there are 124,000 prophets or messengers sent to earth for guidance of mankind, The Holy Quran mentions the names of 25 Prophets and Messengers, let’s know their names:

1.      Prophet Adam (The first Human and Prophet)

2.      Prophet Idris

3.      Prophet Nuh

4.      Prophet Hud

5.      Prophet Saleh

6.      Prophet Ibrahim (The father of Prophets)

7.      Prophet Lut

8.      Prophet Ismail (son of Hazrat Ibrahim)

9.      Prophet Ishaq

10.   Prophet Yaqub (son of Hazrat Ishaq)

11.   Prophet Yusuf (Grandson of Hazrat Ibrahim)

12.   Prophet Shuaib

13.   Prophet Ayub

14.   Prophet Musa

15.   Prophet Haroon (Brother of Hazrat Musa)

16.   Hazrat Dawud

17.   Hazrat Solaiman (Brother of Hazrat Dawud)

18.   Prophet Ilyas

19.   Prophet Ilyasa

20.   Prophet Yunus

21.   Prophet Dhul Kifl

22.   Prophet Zakaria

23.   Prophet Yahya (son of Hazrat Zakaria)

24.   Prophet Isa (Essa or Jesus)

25.   Prophet Muhammad PBUH (the last Prophet)


Muslim Prayers:

As mentioned above, Salah or Prayer is one of the five pillars of Islam which is the fundamental act of worship for Muslims around the world. Muslims must pray 5 times a day, fardh are the (obligatory or mandatory) Rakats whereas Sunnah are optional as per some scholars.

What are the 5 daily prayers in Islam?

1.      Fajr

2.      Dhuhr or Zuhr

3.      Asr or Asar

4.      Maghrib

5.      Isha

Apart from the above 5 daily prayers, there is an obligatory Friday prayer called Jummah prayer. Jummah prayer time is same as Dhuhr and is offered in a mosque with a sermon on Fridays.

Let’s discuss all prayer timings and Rakats in details

Fajr: Fajr namaz time in Dubai or anywhere in the world take place at Pre-dawn that should be performed in the last part of the night and before sunrise. Fajr prayer consists of two Sunnah and two Fardh Rakats.  

Dhuhr: Dhuhr salah is the second prayer of the day which takes place just after the sun reaches its zenith. The Dhuhr payer is offered at noon that comprises four obligatory Rakats including 4 sunnah before the fardh rakats and 2 sunnah after the fardh rakats.

Asar: Asar salah takes place between noon and sunset, the Asr prayer consists four Fardh Rakats which must performed in the afternoon after the Dhuhr prayer.

Maghrib: Maghrib namaz time in Dubai, UAE and rest of the world is at sunset. Muslims perform Maghrib salah directly once the sunsets. Magrib prayer consists of three fardh and two Sunnah Rakats.

Isha: The fifth and the last prayer of the day is the Isha (night prayer) that includes four fardh Rakats, two Sunnah Rakats and three witr (or any odd number). Isha prayer time can last till pre-dawn or before the azan of fajr prayer.

Rakats of Salah:

The five Salahs (prayers) consist of various Fardh (obligatory) and Sunnah (supererogatory) aspects. Checkout below image for the salah names and number of namaz rakats in it:

namaz rakats

Some other prayers Muslims offer are:

·        Jummah Prayer (offered on Friday at noon)

·        Tahajjud Prayer (offered after isha prayer till fajr azan)

·        Eid Prayers (offered on Eid Al Fitr and Eid Al Adha)

·        Tarawih Prayer (offered after isha prayer in Ramadan)

·        Janaza Prayer (Janazah Prayer (Funeral) offered when Muslim die)

·        Istikhara Prayer (offered to ask help from Allah one make a choice)



Before Muslims start praying, they must call for prayer (five times a day) which is called Adhan. Azan or Adhan is a public call to prayer delivered from the Masjid by moazin or muezzin (a person who is designated for call to pray).


Muslims must perform wudhu also called wozo before praying. Wudu is ablution, an act of washing some of the body parts before performing prayers. Wudu is also mandatory before the recitation of the Holy Quran in-hand.

Praying in the Masjid:

A Masjid also called Mosque is a place of worship for Muslims. In Islam, Muslim mans are advised to pray in Masajids (House of Allah) and women's are advised to pray at homes , but they can pray anywhere including home, offices etc. However, many Muslims pray in congregation in a mosque with imam (a person who leads the prayers).

Once Muslims offered prayers, they offer Dua and left the Masajids and get busy in their daily life routines until the next prayer time comes.

Prayer Time for Dubai:

Muslims residing in Emirates of Dubai are requested to follow Dubai Prayer Time calendar which is published on AWQAF website linked above. Internet is full of irrelevant and unauthentic data of Prayer Time in Dubai UAE which shows 3 to 6 minute's difference not only in Fardh prayer time but also in Athan time in Dubai.  

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